


You can start working after you receive an email from 学生就业 telling you that you are cleared to begin working. 

当所有文档都完成时, 学生就业 will send an Electronic Employment Authorization form (contract) to the hiring department.  When we receive that back from the department we will email you 和 the department that you are cleared to begin work.  Legally you may not begin working until all of the above forms, 包括就业授权表格, have been completed 和 returned to the 学生就业 office. 


If you get sick 和 cannot go work for your scheduled shift, fill out a Sick Leave Request form. Sick Leave forms must be turned in with 48 hours of returning to work or before the end of the current pay period, 以较早的为准, or you will forfeit being able to use those sick leave hours.  你先填好, ask your supervisor to sign it 和 then give it to your departmental timekeeper to enter the hours in JBDev.  点击下面的链接来查找表单.



If you lost your ID card 和 you are using it to clock in for work instead of using the JBDev app, or the timeclock stopped working 和 you couldn’t clock in, 填写手动时间表.  一定要 用军队时间记录你的工作时间填好表格上的每一栏.  Get your supervisor’s signature to sign off 和 give it to the Departmental timekeeper to record the hours in JBDev before the end of the pay period.  It is YOUR responsibility to follow up with your Department’s timekeeper to ensure your hours or corrections have been entered in time for payroll.  如果他们没有按时输入, the Departmental timekeeper will need to submit your time sheet to Payroll to enter the hours as a pay period adjustment 和 they will not be paid out until the following pay period. 请按以下连结查阅表格. 



Campus Student Worker jobs are paid at minimum wage unless the position is a designated 'hard-to-fill' position.  学生就业 can advise you which positions fall into that category.  Hard-to-fill positions are reviewed by Human Resources periodically 和 may return to minimum wage at any time.

Payday is alternate Thursdays (see the 工资的日历 link below for pay period end dates 和 pay dates).  Your first paycheck needs to be picked up at 学生就业.  9点以后可以拿到薪水.m. 关于发薪日期.  如果你已经注册了直接存款, subsequent checks will go directly to your bank account 关于发薪日期.

如果你的家庭住址改变了, make sure to change it on the Student Finance page of the PUC website as if you don’t pick up your check from 学生就业 within 3 weeks, 我们会把它寄到你存档的地址.



As an employee of 外围投注 or Howell Mountain Enterprises, 我们强烈建议您注册直接存款. This free service transfers your earnings directly into your checking or savings account at your bank.  Direct deposit takes one full payroll cycle (two weeks) to establish service, which is why your first paycheck will be a paper check that you pick up at the 学生就业 office (unless you work for HME as HME checks are distributed at your job location). Having direct deposit means you won't have to wait till you get back from school breaks to pick up your checks or risk forgetting to pick up your last check at the end of the school year 和 wait for it to be mailed to you. 

注意: 如果你打算关闭你的银行账户或更换银行, 我们至少需要提前一周通知 这样我们就可以给你的直接存款设定一个停止日期. 

注意:  PUC is not responsible to recover or replace funds if your direct deposit goes to an account that has been closed.  It is your responsibility to notify us to stop your Direct Deposit to that account no later than the Thursday prior to pay day (7 days).  Use a Direct Deposit Change Form 和 turn it in to 学生就业 in person.

If you open a new bank account, you need to submit a new Direct Deposit Authorization form.


如果我的支票丢了怎么办? 我可以换吗??

If you have lost or destroyed your paycheck the check can be replaced by contacting the Payroll Office at extension 7300. Requests to replace lost checks take 7 days to process 和 a stop payment fee may be added to your account.

What is the Federal Work Study Program 和 what does it mean to me?

This program usually begins in either winter or spring quarter. If you qualify, a portion of your wages may be subsidized through the Federal Work Study Program. Student Finance awards Work Study funds based on financial need, there is nothing you need to do.  Jobs subsidized by the Work Study Program will be on separate paychecks so if you have more than one job on campus 和 one or more of those jobs are subsidized by the Work Study Program part of the year, 您将收到多张支票, one for Work Study positions 和 one for non-Work Study positions.


国际学生 may work on campus up to 20 hours per week while school is in session 和 up to 40 hours 在学校安排的整整几周假期里. Additional documents, such as your I-94 form 和 passport, are required for identification. Some employees may also be eligible for a tax exemption if a treaty exists between their country 和 the United States. Please talk with the International Student Support office at Student Services for more information.