Make a Gift

for young men and women at PUC.

Give to Pioneer Fund
Pioneer Fund

Pioneer Fund

Goal: $250,000


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Worthy Student Fund

Worthy Student Fund

“有价值学生基金”对北京大学的未来非常重要,并将继续为学生的教育和生活提供帮助. Your donation will support this program by strengthening our student's learning experience to give them the best quality of higher education.

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Paulin Recital Hall

Paulin Recital Hall

作为举办各种音乐和社区活动的场地,已有50多年的历史, 保林演奏厅早就该翻修了. Your gift supports our multi-phase project to give a much-needed refresh to one of our campus's essential arts venues including new paint, carpet, seating, and an incredible, 完全更新的声音和灯光系统.

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Aviation Department

Aviation Department

航空项目不断发展,因此我们的学生需要获得新的培训设备, including a new plane.

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Additional Funds

Cash Gifts



Pacific Union College
Attn: Advancement
1 Angwin Ave.
Angwin, CA 94508


Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes! Pacific Union College is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your gifts to the college through this website may be included in your charitable contributions.

Will you send me a receipt?

Absolutely. 当你通过这个网站进行在线捐赠时, 您的礼物将自动收到,irs批准的收据将发送到您的电子邮件收件箱. For your convenience, 你给学校的所有捐款都列在年终捐款摘要里,我们会在一月底寄给你.

如果你喜欢收到纸质收据, 请致电(707)965-7500或发电子邮件通知我们

Contact Us

(707) 965-7500

1 Angwin Ave.
Angwin, CA 94508

Monday–Thursday: 8 AM–5 PM
Friday: 8 AM–12 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed