Service Learning

Academics & Classroom

The Service-Learning Coordinator is available to consult with faculty members about service-learning classroom assignments and curriculum. The office of Service-Learning partners with community agencies to provide students with Service-Learning opportunities. Incorporating service-learning into your syllabus is an important step in achieving the requirements from Academic Administration. Service-Learning assignments helps clarify expectations and requirements for students and streamlining administrative processes. When integrating service-learning components in your course syllabus, consider the following SLO’s:

  • Integrate and apply knowledge and theory from required core and cognate courses with other liberal arts subjects (i.e., writing, critical thinking, and oral communication) in practice situations.
  • Collaborate effectively with a community partner to develop solutions to an identified need.
  • Use evaluation research to evaluate practice outcomes
  • Identify and use ethical principles with awareness and sensitivity in professional setting
  • Demonstrate awareness of diverse perspectives and understand how to adapt to individual differences.
  • Utilize effective communication skills when working with populations, colleagues, supervisors, and others in the community.
  • Operationalize the problem-solving process from preparing through ending/transition
  • Develop a professional identity and demonstrate professional behaviors in professional settings.
  • Learn and apply community resources, while working to strengthen and/or improve resource delivery systems.
  • Gain knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of entry-level professional, including advocacy, leadership, research, and community engagement, with the goal of promoting and advocating for social and economic justice through both organization and social change.

Faculty members interested in working with the Office of Service-Learning to develop a service-learning component for their course should contact:

Policy (Co-Curricular Credits)

PUC is committed to assisting students in developing a comprehensive view of life from a Christian perspective, and participation in service activities will help achieve this goal. Students are required to complete 2 credits of Service Learning