邮件 and 喜欢图片

喜欢图片 and mailroom provide printing, 复制, and mailing services for the campus and community.

喜欢图片, 处理超过300个,每月5000次印象, provides a wide array of printing and 复制 services. 彩色复制,折叠,切割,装订和复合只是其中的一些服务. (Please call for current prices on services offered). 我们也鼓励使用更容易回收的白纸, more earth friendly and costs less to produce.

邮件收发室位于同一栋大楼内,负责分发所有收到的邮件, delivers and picks up intercampus mail, 处理输出U.S. and international mail, and ships 联合包裹, 联邦快递 and USPS packages. They also receive and process over 100 packages per day for students, 教师, staff and departments on campus.




  • 数码彩色副本
  • Folding, inserting and addressing
  • 塑料绑定
  • 扫描到光盘 
  • 切割
  • 传真


  • 幻灯片
  • 填充
  • 小册子主食
  • 纸钻井
  • 电子提交
  • Add a Picture to a Document
  • 扩大/减少
  • 层压
  • E-mail Attachment Copies
  • 举办的信笺
  • #10白色信封
  • 造纸原料
  • 橡皮图章
  • 信封


  • The request form must be filled out completely. 记得注明所需原件和复印件的数量,以及部门名称和所需时间.
  • 当指示学生秘书向复印中心提交订单时, 请让他们知道你何时需要完成这项工作以及所有其他相关信息.
  • 当提交书籍的原始副本时,请记住我们受版权法的约束,未经书面许可不得复制整本书.
  • 如果您不希望显示数字,请用蓝色或浅色铅笔为您的原件编号.
  • Use black pens for signatures.
  • When making originals from computer printers, be sure the ink or toner is dark enough to produce clear, 大胆的副本. Laser prints are preferable. Stick or (crayon) ink prints do not work as origionals.
  • Pencil and blue inks do not copy well.
  • Keep in mind that trees are running out. 通过尽可能多地连续运行作业来节省纸张和金钱. It is also much less expensive!


School Address for Incoming 邮件 & 包

Angwin CA 94508


  • 没有这样写地址的邮件可能会被邮局退回.
  • We do not forward any mail or packages at the mailroom.
  • The dorms and departments forward all mail.
  • 联邦快递 and 联合包裹 do not forward packages.

Distribution of Incoming 邮件

  • 输入你.S. mail usually arrives at 9:30 a.m. and first class mail is sorted by 11:00 a.m. 校际邮件按一级邮件处理,一到就分拣.
  • 为公共服务中心各部门提供每日取件和送件服务.S. mail and inter-campus mail leaves the office at 10:00 a.m. 周一周四, and 10:30 a.m. 星期五. 
  • 邮件被送回邮件室,计算邮资,然后分类. Items of value are sent at one's own risk through intercampus mail.
  • Large mailings and packages will NOT be picked up on the mail runs. 请打电话取货.
  • 如果部门或员工不愿意自己取信,或者没有办公室可以收发邮件,则可以使用邮箱.
  • All fliers, advertisements, memos, etc. should be college-oriented. No personal fliers will be distributed.
  • Handouts for the morning mail run need to be in the 邮件room by 8:30 a.m.


  • 请将办公室间邮件和已盖邮票的邮件与需要邮资/计量的邮件分开. 男生宿舍和女生宿舍的邮件在送到收发室之前,应分别由每个宿舍捆绑.
  • Flaps on envelopes need to be closed or sealed. 塞满的商业信封和马尼拉纸信封在机器中不能很好地密封. If we have to seal them by hand they will be processed last. Large mailings needing hand sealing will be sent back.
  • Make sure that your letters are stuffed below the envelope fold. Large mailings not folded correctly will be sent back.
  • All mail that needs postage other than first class, or mail that needs to be charged to an account that is not yours, 应该有一份由部门完整填写的黄色申请表吗. 所有寄回地址中没有部门名称的邮件都需要黄单. 如果未填写黄色申请表或未分类,则不会发送邮件. 使用一个请求表单, mark all categories needed, and securely band all mail with the request slip on top.
    注:小型邮件如以头等邮件或航空邮件寄出,并附有本署名称,则毋须填写申请表格. All other services require a slip.
  • Outgoing mail must be in the office by 2:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 12:00 p.m. 在周五. 邮件在下午三点离开我们的办公室,送到安格温邮局.m. 周一周四. 星期五 mail leaves the office at 12:50 p.m.
  • All mail that needs postage must be sorted with U.S. mail (including Guam and Puerto Rico) separate. 任何未分类的大件邮件将被收取费用,并将被放置在队列的末端进行处理.


  • “认证,”“注册,“回执申请表”和“保险”表格必须由部门填写. It is necessary to have all the parts of the form attached, 并在返回部分的左上角添加部门名称, so it can be returned to your department once it has been postmarked.
  • 我们要在邮局碰头,所以我们不能为一个部门耽搁邮件. The more prepared your mail is, the quicker it can be processed.
  • 如果您的邮件中有注明日期的材料,请通知邮件员. 所有注明日期的材料需要在至少24小时的处理时间内提交.

联合包裹 and 联邦快递 Shipping/Receiving

  • Personal package shipping is available via 联合包裹, 联邦快递 and/or USPS.
  • A yellow slip must be filled out with service requested, 部门/名称和电话号码以及这个网站上的申请表.
  • A package must be in our office by 10:00 a.m. in order for it to be shipped the same day. Due to the volume of work during the school year, we cannot absolutely guarantee same-day service, nor do we assume financial liability for delayed, 失去了, 偷来的, or damaged packages while in our possession regardless of fault.
  • 联合包裹/联邦快递 automatically insures the package, 包装得当时,售价100美元. Additional insurance is available up to $50,000. 要获得保险赔付,必须证明包裹的价值.
  • 我们的电脑会打印发货标签,所以请确保地址清晰.
  • We have some recycled boxes and filler available for use.

The following are the stipulations for sending packages:

  • No post office box addresses are allowed for domestic packages.
  • Any packages without a yellow slip will not be sent!


  • A package's maximum size is 165 inches in length and girth combined, 108 inches maximum length, and 150 pounds maximum weight.
  • 包裹必须在顶部贴上目的地的标签——只有一个标签. Use the street and building number.
  • A phone number is helpful on domestic. It is required internationally.


  • A package's maximum size is 165 inches in length and girth combined, 119 inches maximum length, and 150 pounds maximum weight.
  • 包裹必须在顶部贴上目的地的标签——只有一个标签. Use the street and building number.
  • A phone number is helpful on domestic. It is required internationally.


  • 次日联合包裹. 包 must be at the 邮件room before 1:00 p.m.
  • 联邦快递. 包 must be in by 12:00 to go out the same day.
  • 美国邮政特快专递 All items go out with the college mail at 3:00 p.m. but may not be there overnight. 下午3点以后.m. 我们会打表,你必须在下午4:30之前亲自把邮件送到邮局.m. Next-day delivery is not guaranteed outside California most of the time. An Express 邮件 label must be completed for Express 邮件; please see the 邮件room personnel for assistance. 邮件ing labels are available through the 邮件room.
  • USPS International Express. 必须是Int型吗. 快递信封. These are not the same as domestic. An express mail label must be filled out. 电话号码是必需的. There is a 3-5 day delivery to a country. 没有保证,也没有跟踪一旦它进入地址国家的包裹.
  • 不要在一夜之间优先发送包裹,因为它们不会比标准的一夜之间更快到达.


  • USPS, 联合包裹,联邦快递,空降或DHL的传入包裹被送到邮件室.
  • All student packages are kept at the 邮件room.
  • You must have photo ID to pickup your package.
  • 如果没有书面许可或收件人的电话,你将不允许取朋友的包裹.
  • All other packages will be sent to Newton or Winning.
  • 所有的货到付款包裹必须用支票支付,而不是现金,在你的包裹到达之前.
  • 如果您不隶属于学院,请不要将包裹发送到PUC收发室. Your package will be refused and sent back to sender.
  • 所有包裹在收到日期后超过90天将被处理.
  • PUC和PUC收发室不对错误或其他方式发送给我们的包裹承担任何责任. 学院和收发室也不承担任何责任的包裹收到和在我们的财产, 校外学生, 以前的学生, 非PUC学生和任何其他不在PUC工作或就读的人. 北京大学和北京大学邮件收发室不对任何学生承担任何责任, 教师, 教职员及非学生, 他们被称为, 以任何方式发送电子邮件或通知他们在PUC收发室有包裹-包括那些被告知他们没有包裹的人(无论是亲自或通过电话), when in actuality they did.
  • 所有寄往外围投注及其地址的包裹均由寄件人自行承担风险和责任.
  • PUC收发室保留拒绝任何包裹的权利,在任何时间,以任何理由.