Academic Records

Acadeum Course Share

Pacific Union College is pleased to partner with Acadeum, a hosting platform for higher education institutions offering pre-approved, online courses that can be taken for credit at PUC.

PUC is part of the CAREonline and Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) consortia, which allows students to take courses from our Adventist sister institutions and broadens our offerings to over 200 pre-approved courses.

You can enroll through Acadeum to catch up on missed credits, get ahead to graduate earlier, or improve your GPA.

Courses taken through Acadeum will be counted as institutional credit and impact your grade point average (GPA) at PUC. Before applying, make sure you have approval from you advisor. PUC's Acadeum representatives will also need to approve your application, so please ensure all required information is accurate and complete.

To browse available, pre-approved courses on Acadeum, please visit the link below.

Faculty/Advisors Login  Student Login

If you would like more information about courses on offer and the approval process, please talk to your advisor or email

Acadeum Course Application

Date of Birth *
Start Date of Proposed Class *
End Date of Proposed Class *
x1.5 to convert to quarter credits
If so, please submit an overload request form to your advisor for approval.
Agreement *